Thursday, September 3, 2009

5 heavy books

I decided that today I would balance books on my head. I always see it done in princess movies and stuff when they are learning manners so why not try it myself? First I balanced 3 books on my head and walked around about 20 ft. before I lost focus and they slid off. But that was pretty easy so I thought I would try a few more. So I put 5 books on my head and walked about 10 ft. without them sliding off. It is not like those books are little paper backs. They probably weighted around 3 pounds in total and were various sizes. My head feels really weird now. The feeling is not like a headache it is just weird. I learned that the best way to keep the books from slidding off is to keep good posture and walk slow and careful steps. That is probably why they do it to train princesses in movies!

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