Friday, September 11, 2009

2 days, one post!

I feel horrible! I totally forgot to write about what I did yesterday! I am so sorry! I guess I will write about both today...

On Thursday I took my first tour of a college. My high school is an early college school which means that I take college classes during high school classes and I can graduate highschool with my assoicates in college. So I got to go see the college that my school is teamed up with. It was actually kind of boring. I don't know what I expected to see but it just wasn't as exciting as I thought a college would be. The best thing about it was that they gave us cake!

Today I skipped backwards around downtown. I walk to my friends house after school every friday and we always pass downtown. I thought it was the perfect oppurtunity to do something weird. I decided to skip around backwards. I love doing things backwards becasue it is doing something against the crowd. Conviently, it was raining so it turned out to be even weirder! People were staring at me through their car windows. I thought it was quite entertaining!

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