Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Backwards Day

Sorry that I couldn't post yesterday, our roof is being repaired because of a gaint leak in our house and we had to take everything out of the room we keep the computers in. Yesterday I did my favourite new thing I have done so far. I walked backwards about 90% of the day! It was so awesome. I had a buddy bring me to each of my classes so I didn't run into everybody. I ran into 5 people and fell 4 times which I think is pretty good for walking backwards most of the day. The reason why I said that I walked backwards 90% of the day is that I forgot a couple times and I had to do a race in PE that my coach told me I couldn't do backwards.  Most of my school knows about my blog by now so I didn't get as many strange looks as I thought. Most people came and asked me if it was my new thing! I was so happy that people actually remembered about it. Throught the day I saw things in a totally different ways. Going down the stairs backwards was the most interesting. The most fun memory is running bleachers backwards. My poor friend helping me has her arm bruised from me gripping her so hard. It is really weird but going down the bleaches was way eaiser than going up them. All 4 times I fell were going up the bleachers. So all in all it was so much and I think it should be a common thing for people to do. It is awesome! Now I need to do something new today! I will write about that later!

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