Thursday, October 22, 2009


Okay now actually for today... I don't know if you could tell from any of my previous posts but I am obsessed with rabbits. I had 17 rabbits at one point (and yes they were all on purpose) I just love rabbits. So anyways today was my day to present mole day projects. When I first got the assignment I though BUNNY! And that is exactly what I did! I dress my rabbit up as a mole and brought her to school. It was pretty funny watching peoples faces as I dragged the cage around the school. At the end of the day I was waiting in the commons area for my dad to pick up me and the rabbit and my princilbe came up to me. I was really freaked out because bringing animals to school is technically against the rules. Then he said "You know the school mascot is the Wolf and I wouldn't be surprised if your rabbit became its little snack!" I was so surprised! I have never really talked to him before but he kind of scared me. Now I think he is AWESOME!

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