Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dia de los Muertos Skeletons

Today I has so much fun. It has been the best halloween by far. Rayne and I decided to dress up as dia de los muertos skeletons. We looked so cool! I will probably put some pictures of us up later. So that was new... Also I tried the cheese brie for the first time. Also I took a little kid (aka Rayne's little brother) trick or treating in order to have an excuse to get some candy. Our costumes were the best part of the day though. We dressed in bright clashing colours and painted our faces completely white. Then chose a design from online of pictures of the skeletons. And we painted the designs on our faces in bright colours. It was so amazing. On our way to the party her mom stopped at Walmart so we just stayed in the car. While we were just sitting there talking some guys walked by and stopped and starting laughing and calling people over to come see us. It was so weird. I have never been in a situation like that! I thought it was hilarious!

Edit- Here is a picture! 

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