Friday, October 9, 2009

Happy Un-Birthday!

Today my friends and I through an un birthday party for one of our teachers. I baked a cake and we all signed a card for her and put signs all over the room. We got her to come in the room and we all sprung out from hiding places and sang happy birthday. It was so much fun! We all had cake and had a good time. I also went to my first home football game. I have been to a football game but it was in the next city over. This time I went at our home stadium. In small towns football is a big thing so it is huge here! People couldn't believe that I had never gone to one. People from all over our community come to support our team. But I don't have very much spirit for the high school since I go to an offspring of it and we have our own mascot we just don't have a team to support! I loved it though! The only problems were that it was freezing cold and I don't understand anything about football!

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