Thursday, November 12, 2009

6 Different Shirts in One Day

Today I decided to shange between every period in my school day. I got to change 6 times. In the morning I was wearing a blue shirt, second period I was wearing a long sleeved green shirt, third period I wore a red tank with a black and whit sweater over it. During lunch I wore a black shirt an in PE (which was last period) I wore the same blue shirt so it doesn't really count. After school I wore a purple shirt with twirly designs and then I wore a black dress with my jeans for my after school class. Only one person noticed! Well at least she is the only one who asked me about it. Durning lunch she came up to me and asked if I was wearing a different shirt that morning. I gave her a confused look and asked what she was talking about. She looked confused and walked off. Then after school she came up to me and said that I was wearing something different then I was in lunch. I looked at her agian confused and asked why she kept thinking that. She stormed off but I knew she was coming back for after school class so I quickly changed into the dress and told everyone around to tell her that I was wearing it all day. When she came back she said "LOOK you did change!" I again looked at her strangely and asked her why she kept insisting this. She went around and asked people and they all looked at her like she was crazy and told her I was wearing a dress all day. I think she actually belived that she was going crazy. I the truth on Facebook but I don't think she knows yet!

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