Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving for Blockbuster

Today I had Thanksgiving lunch at my church with everyone who didn't have family to eat with. It was really fun except the fact my head felt like it was being ripped apart from one of the biggest headaches I have had. It was my first time eat Thanksgiving lunch at my church but that is not all I did new. We brought plates piled high with Thanksgiving food to the guys who work at Blockbuster. To the normal person that is probably really strange but for us the blockbuster guys are our friends! You see, we have a pass to Blockbuster so we can always have ONE movie or game out. But with a family of 5 we are constantly wanting to watch or play something else than each other so we are constantly up at Blockbuster switching out movies and games. It doesn't help that it is pretty much across the street from us! We are at blockbuster about everyday and sometimes more. My whole family knows all the people who work there and they know us. They were totally excited and suprised when we brought them the dinner though. My mom wanted to bring it to them because she feels motherly to them and they had to work so she felt bad! I think they really appreciated it. Some families bring dinner to the firefighters or the police, my family brings Thanksgiving dinner to the guys at Blockbuster! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

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