Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Save the Words

Today I checked out this really cool website Save The Words It is an orginazation that premotes using words that have been dropped by the English language. Why would you want to use old words you may queritate? Well as we are loosing words we are loosing words that can communicate what we need to say. Aren't there those times when all the words you can think of seem vappous and you need a word that fits just right? Well there probably was the perfect word for your feeling at one point but someone thought the word wasn't important enough. I mean, can you imagine how high the number on the word's odynometer must be after you drop it from the English language! I am sure you can figure out which words I adopted that I used through out the post. If you would like to know what they mean look them up! Also I encourage you to adopt your own word!

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