Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dove Fortunes

Today my mom brought home a giant box of those little dove chocolates. I started chowing down on them! after I ate a few I saw that they have little fortune tpe things inside the wrappers. That is so cool! So anyways I decided to do the things that were on the wrappers. Here were the wrappers... "Love many, trust few and always count paddles your own canoe" "Be the first to hit the dance floor" and "Find little ways to make everyday a holiday" So I set out to make them happen. The first one was a little tricky but since my grandparents are here it was easy to love many. I did really accomplish the trust few... I didn't really know what to do for that. Since I didn't have a canoe to row I sat on a chair and pretended to row it with a tennis racket. That was fun! Now on to the next one! I danced around my house while everyone else was cooking dinner. It was AWESOME! I love dancing! The last one I decided to celebrate my half birthday! I love half birthdays so it was the perfect thing to celebrate! I got some cookie dough out of the fridge and put half of my age candles in it. Delicous!!

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