Saturday, January 2, 2010

Behind on Posts!

I am so behind! I am so sorry! I really need to be more consistant. I am having a hard time remembering what I did new some of the days! I can't believe I am slacking off so much. Anyways I am writing for Tuesday and Wednesday and tomorrow I will write about the other days.

Tuesday- My mom decided that she wanted to have a Christmas party after Christmas day because not many people are busy so she put on a 5th day of Christmas party. It would have been a fairly normal party with people from the church and our neighbours but my friend Bri came. She had the idea to have an epic battle with my little brother's toy knights. We lined them up very carefully then chucked them at each other. We only broke 2 of the knights so I consider it a victory!

Wednesday- I love Ikea! I think it is one of the best ways to spend a lazy afternoon. While at Ikea I had to get something ahead of our group and while walking back I felt lonely. I decied to look very confident while I walked and that slowly evolved into me doing a super model walk across Ikea. I have no idea if people even noticed because I had my face straight foward like I had a mission and no one could get in my way. It was so much fun though. Feeling confident is always a good thing!

1 comment:

Dana said...

THAT IS AWESOME!!!! I'm so proud of you!!!! I've seen that walk and I'm sure EVERYBODY noticed!!!