Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Complaint to the Computer

I have always wanted to write a complaint note to something but I have never really had the heart to do it. I just thought about the perosn behind it and maybe they meant to be good so today I decided to write a complaint letter to something that often makes me VERY mad nad doesn't ever mean well... the computer.

Dear PC,

First and foremost I would like to say that I have the up most hate for you! Every time I try to do something you make it so that I can't. Why do you have to be so complicated? Why can't you be more like the Mac? These are not just emotional statements they have been well thought out and you should know that they are based on facts and experiences. I know that I am lucky to even have you but can't you hold up your end of the bargain? (like actually working) Everyday it is a new problem and you shut down randomly! Therefore I would like you to know that I have switched to using a Mac computer and will not come back until you formally apologize for being mean to me.

Sincerly, Alyssa

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is SOOOO great this is my favorite BY FAR!!!!!!