Monday, November 16, 2009

Mad Hatter Dog

Well, you know you have strange friends when you ask them to think of something ne for you to do and they say to have a tea party with your dog. Thanks to Bri I found this out! I loved the idea so I went with it! I got out a cute teapot ans teacups and filled on of the cups with tea and the teapot and other teacup with water. Then I set it all up all cute on the ground and invited my dog to come have a tea party with me. My dog is a Pomeranian and Papllion mix which means he is one of those REALLY jumpy dogs. This is where the Mad Hatter part comes in. I couldn't get him to sit elegantly and drink water out of his pretty teacup. He kept running around. Then my cat came over and the two of them don't like each other so they got into a fight. The whole thing was very caotic but I did eventually get my dog to lick out of the teacup! It was so cute!

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