Monday, December 28, 2009

Crazy Thought!

I found this website that is full of crazy thoughts to ponder. I think that is so cool because I love to ponder things. I find this really intresting because I mean I have braces so if I die are they going to stay on me eternally. I decided to ponder about Do they bury people with their braces on? I find this really intresting because I mean I have braces so if I die are they going to stay on me eternally. That would be awful! In fact since I really have no idea the answer I have decided to write a letter telling my parents that if I die I would like my braces removed! Oh wow I just realized this is not the best thing to ponder right before going to bed.


Arya ^_^ said...


Anonymous said...

LOL! ive been to that site and go on it quite often just to kill time xD
the braces thing?? totally agree with you ive got braces myself! ;)

Danielle Aubrey said...

OMGGG I am so glad I got my braces off already!! Dude, the letter thing is a really good idea leave it somewhere they'll find it before you get buried!!! Question for the fellow brace-face (not meant to be an insult, i had them too!) Do they make glow in the dark braces yet??? Cuz that would be so cool.

World Book Symbol said...

Useful article. Will be beneficial for others. Thanks.

World Bookmarking Site said...

Efficient job. Worthy of applause. Thanks.