Yesterday I managed to stay up the latest I ever have before! 7 o clock! I know that isn't exactally all on that day but I think it counts! I watch Gilmore Girls and when I realized the sun was coming up I went to bed. It felt pretty good!
Gilmor girls is so one of my fave shows of all times!!! But I am having one of those tonight as if I don't have work in the morning...*sigh* I really enjoyed looking over your has a very unique personality.
My friends would describe me as sweet and my family would describe me as crazy! I am not your usual teen so some people would consider me... dare I say it... a nerd, dork, geek, freak or anything else like that. I think being weird is cool!
Gilmor girls is so one of my fave shows of all times!!! But I am having one of those tonight as if I don't have work in the morning...*sigh* I really enjoyed looking over your has a very unique personality.
--Lady D
Once, I stayed up for 28 hours, before falling asleep. Got a little grumpy towards the end, but I was damn proud :)
Beautiful piece of work. Go ahead. Thanks.
Eligible work. Worthy of applause. Thanks.
Good job. Everybody make post related comments. Thanks.
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